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Yogalosophy - Mandy Ingber
20.50 €

Brooke Shields. In addition to their fame, these actresses share something else in common: they owe their enviable silhouettes to fitness expert and celebrity yoga instructor Mandy Ingber.In Yogalosophy (R) , Ingber,one of the most sought-after fitness and wellness advisors in Los Angeles,offers up a unique 28-day plan to help readers achieve healthier bodies and happier minds. Building on the concepts offered in Ingber's popular Yogalosophy (R) DVD, this handbook provides an accessible program of proven workouts and eating guidelines designed to tone and strengthen the entire body, inside and out.


Faqe 296
Prodhuesi Seal Press
Origjina Kosovë
GTIN 9781580054454
Kodi i produktit 9781580054454

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